Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Most Wonderful Time

Well, friends, it has been too long since I have blogged here. I've found reasons to be busy, as well as a full week being sick with the worst virus I've ever had, plus reliving an ear infection from childhood past. I'm glad that's over--and just in time for my favorite season of all--Advent.

In the past few weeks, we've found a church to call home. It's a United Church of Christ, which has many familiar pieces to Baptists while being very distinct. The pastors of the church are equally gifted and creative. I've learned a lot in the four services we've been to thus far, and I am looking forward to celebrating Advent with them.

This part of a confessional prayer struck a chord with me, especially as I have been waiting for my ear to clear up so that I can hear properly again:
"Creator God, we confess we can be an impatient people used to expecting instant delivery. At times we forget how waiting can give birth to a needed patience and greater appreciation of our many blessings. Heal and forgive us, we pray."

Also, we stated together this confession of faith (which other weeks has been a creed, such as the Nicene creed, or others).

~We believe in God, who for love's sake comes to us over and over again,
A God of mystery and grace who is not persuaded by our impatience, anxiety, or need for certainty,
yet guided only by a strong, holy desire for the well-being of all.

We believe in Jesus the Christ, who through enduring trust and courage showed us the way to live in God with compassionate hearts, willing hands, and an open, searching mind.

We believe in the Spirit who continues to breathe life into creation; hope for earth's renewal, and en endless passion for lasting and just peace in our time.

We are the people of God. We live in the midst of life's uncertainties, and do not pretend to know too much. Yet in God's good grace we will continue to yearn for and work toward that coming day where love is fully known and God's glory is everywhere to be seen. ~

The last part, that spoke powerfully to me was the hymn "Spirit of Jesus, If I Love My Neighbor." I haven't found the lyrics yet, but the hymn was poignant in a way I haven't seen in a long time.

The church already supports a regular "Healing Touch" clinic, which in my mind, is connected to Natural Spirituality. I want to pose the question of starting a Dream Group here in the near future (which could be a few years--I may have to graduate from the Dream Leader program to be a responsible Dream Leader).

Needless to say, I am excited. Every other church we visited had it's gifts, but I always felt I was coming away a little disappointed because it was missing something (inevitably that I was connecting to my previous church). But we have found a home, a family that will help us to grow in faith together. I am looking forward to how I can offer my gifts in simple ways, while continuing to be faithful to the students at the college.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!